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--Catarina (or what was his name, lol :) was impressive! I didn't expect that level of loyalty for a friend, didn't expect anyone to be such close friends there. And it's heart-wrenching to imagine he's gonna be the one punished for all their deeds :(
--That final dream was very touching T_T poor boy seemed happy, though it was only an illusion :(
--God's mind and his reactions in general were just perfect, just the way I envisioned all that. btw just imagine living in a world where all the legends about god(s) are real and you even protect him, even if you don't believe in him or despise him he influences you a lot (when everyone started crying, that was mind-blowing)
--That interaction in the nursery about 'I can stand on my own' and "I'm crying when I'm hurt. But he doesn't. He's so amazing." said while crying profusely made me tear up myself, it was a real struggle not to start sobbing too, lol :D
I guess that's it. Perhaps there were more but it's morning (& I'm not a morning person T_T)and I watched it yesterday before going to bed, perhaps I missed smth.
Honestly, I feel like a real fan. This title has some specific atmosphere I'm drowning in it. And I expect the final episode to be a more family-oriented one or...
aww I want the next episode, rn! Impressive, so atmospheric! llove it! <3
I'm a tad confused and greatly intrigued how's Trump at that place O_o This title is awesome, I'd like to rewatch it in one go!
That backstory was captivating and heartbreaking T_T
What a whimsical deity indeed O_o
Kids adapting to their new predicament are too cute :D Poor villains having to deal with their mischiefs now :)))
but kids... aww (。♥‿♥。)
Even the villain girl was entranced by them :)
I hope their dads WILL change after that (-‸ლ)
Now in a waiting mode :( as the next episode will be only in a fortnight T_T
I've watched it all in one go, it's sad I'll have to wait and savor it slowly from now on T_T
It's palpable what fragile, delicate, vulnerable little angels they are. I know MC is doing his best, more than any other noble dad BUT he's still failing :( It's like whatever you do you'll never be an ideal parent T_T
I didn't expect such emotions when I started watching it. Cute but sad, pretty but bloody...
Why is he so calm about his wife killed, I wonder O_o What was that scene at the very beginning...
Сказать что плохо не могу, но сюжет про вампиров-детективов ухаживающих за детьми во время серьёзных разборок - это очень специфично))
А насчёт сериала, посмотрю ещё серию и дропну скорее всего)