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"Absolute freedom" hmm I can relate to this yearning but their drastic transformation...fascinating :) This arc is going to be captivating!
sigh, just one episode left T_T I'm gonna miss this kinda meditative title :(

I wonder what that monkey leader meant... Still lots of questions, perhaps we'll see the next season (-人-)
Fascinating! <3

Buuuut I didn't experience any sadness at the end, it was just annoying how Lucy was overreacting. She's known her for a short period of time, that girl has already lived 400 years, she (if not really wanted it) didn't mind that outcome. I even thought that, in comparison to the prologue, here death is presented some fairy-tale, unrealistic :( way, not like the deceased disappeared without a trace but her ghost-like form managed to reassure who's left behind and say goodbye more or less properly. Then you see her with her family, feels like a happy end. I'm envious.

recollected my beloved granny who was burned to death in her cottage, or my aunt who accidently drank vinegar, or my younger sister who was run over by a car, or my dad who just suddenly died in his sleep, gosh I was never presented with an opportunity to say goodbye, welp, it looks like this film did make me feel gloomy but for a different reason T_T
recollected again that kinda heart-wrenching idea that pets are vital to teach kids the concept of death :( Poor boy T_T But I disagree with her plushie, her words were far from cruel, that's just the fact :( c'est la vie.
The amount of fanservice O_O is a tad disturbing for me, so many disgusting moments I couldn't finish my breakfast. But nevertheless it was funny and cute at the same time.
That's weird O_o don't they gather all the possible info about students' families in Japanese schools the way we do it here? O_o Why did that teacher know nothing about his stepmother?!
gosh (-‸ლ) that mother... you can't be 'too appropriate' not at school!
It looks so unrealistic that a professor will waste her time giving a free session for an unknown girl & right before her lecture but oh my :)) wow! She's actually trying to open her eyes telling her what I've been writing all this time :) limited options are never good. You shouldn't jump on any first available kind person around. There's nothing romantic about it, we a have a ton of complicated feelings. I hoped for that outcome but didn't expect it :)
wow one more time :) The boy is perfect! So unbiased, just perceiving the facts the way they are presented. I want only such ppl around me if I ever could have any wish, that's what I'd like :)
yay \0/ it really feels so good when you see eye to eye with the writer even if she doesn't follow her advice, at least I saw a mature explanation, I'm satisfied now, plus one point :)
lol, another title about becoming normal :) But in this case it's truly the way it should be!
My own dinner tasted so much better watching that poor boy finally enjoying his meal (。♥‿♥。)

Gosh, I laughed so much when he thanked the floor being there and saving him from that fall. Isn't it obvious it's just a comedy, not meant to be taken seriously :D
welp, the victory was anticipated but I totally didn't expect the truth to be revealed. Awesome! Justice in all its glory :)
I'd watch another season.
I was afraid he'd continue living without knowing the truth, glad he figured it out. Very touching! teared up myself T_T
yeah, thanks for pointing out my typo. I knew about it, unfortunately, we can't edit. and just for one letter I didn't want to repost anything. Scanning through my previous Russian posts you can notice lots of typos/mistakes, too, and?
In your native lan you've made a couple of mistakes yourself. Two can play at that game ;)
The first ova should be watched after the 28th episode, second -- after 58th of the second season. The third ova is watched in the 3rd season, sigh...
mmm in this case it's awesome though not very obvious, at least for me. Thank you! <3

welp, yeah, they ARE kids :) but at first they seemed really too full of themselves. I don't feel that anymore after this third episode, so I believe I'm gonna finish this title.

Extraordinary ppl are always fun to observe but, I guess, as they are not what you expect it may take time to grow on you :)
Yeah, things happen even if you didn't deserve that, sigh...

That's kinda sad (btw I dislike our Russian name, a bit misleading) that they want to become ordinary when they were lucky enough to be born outstanding :( They have each other & even more, why do they care what others think?! What a loss :(
nah, so her weird behaviour can't be explained by astonishment anymore. (-‸ლ)
If it weren't just one episode left, I'd drop it, I really forced myself to finish it.
What's so 'healthy' about this couple?! He confessed, wanted a serious relationship and what did she do?!
Just imagine, you start dating a funny, talented partner, acting any role for you you wish but after some time you really fall in love, want smth deeper and serious and?! What was with those crazy facial expressions?!
Welp, at some moment she mentioned she wanted him to love every side of her. Ok, I could accept that BUT then she confirms herself it's just acting, she's just wearing masks and it IS exhausting for her. So why can't she be herself with him? And they claim girls mature earlier (-‸ლ) She's too childish here. Does she even have any feelings for him or is it just convenient audience & opportunity to hone her acting skills?!
welp, perhaps it's just too embarrassing for her to change so fast & she just hides her insecurities behind all her roles ooorrr perhaps there's just no real personality to present?!
or another explanation--all this nonsense is shown for our sake, for the viewers who started watching for this false harem thing & it's be too risky and disappointing to change smth too drastically.
welp, i'm def discontented, the boy deserves so much better!
minus 2 points...
To be given smth what you want before even realizing you want it aww sounds like a paradise :)
So inspiring! <3
I've watched two episodes & still can't decide if I like it or not...
MC seems to be too pretentious solving some ridiculous, boring trifles... That feels a little bit out of sync, kinda jarring.
And all the time the answer is smth unsatisfyingly banal, welp the title IS about being ordinary, lol, perhaps it was wrong to expect smth exciting, out of the ordinary :))
You can't put hot things into the fridge, btw, can you? O_o Though I guess it's a nice reminder you should take into account ppl who break even the obvious rules :)
what I liked about the boy that it was said he always shared everything he knew with the others (the way it's mentioned below was presented differently in eng subs, nothing about sharing the solutions, just what info he knew, perhaps it could be annoying for the others but it's still different) I am the same way, every time I learn smth thrilling, I have the urge to share it with others :) I guess it's a perfect trait for a teacher :)) And I imagined mc that way too, though perhaps it's not like this. I read what's said in the title's descriptions after amyati's explanation and... either it's gonna be shown later or I was too sleepy when I started watching it, a bit weird as you don't get the reasoning behind the way they act at the very beginning. His friend did ask him what'd happened before, so maybe it's a spoiler in the description, sigh...
he stretched as a prep work ahaha :)))) aww they are adorable♥ can't wait to see all three couples in the next episode :)

btw despite all salacious moments it IS kinda deep and constantly makes me contemplate and recollect :)
There was once a guy I wanted to be as open and frank with as possible, so I also shared my diary with him buut welp, I guess it was a lesson for me that too honest is really a thing and not everyone is willing to know you that well.

Also, that period of time when you are at a loss what path to choose in your life, it's all so vivid. It's perfect when you have sb inspiring nearby, giving you determination to pursue what you desire in all meaning of that word. Awesome!
Now I understand nothing O_o ok, smth must have happened for that future guy to change so drastically to deceive them but wtf wrong was with future Lucy? she was asked several times and she was so reluctant to reveal anything valid about future events despite bare minimum, what for even to come in that case? just to die?!
I was a tad reluctant to get emotionally involved with the other couple so fast. But this episode is hilarious :) I feel sorry for the pink-haired guy (I'll prey for his success, tho, lol) :) but I get that blue-haired guy too well. When there's some routine you find ideal after lots of adjustment it's hard to squeeze someone else in there T_T
dunno even what to think. He did say practically all of humanity had been wiped out & only one person was at blame. Isn't that dire situation is a reason enough to listen to him? Nope, Lucy is so aggressive stating she's not guilty believing 'herself' though that other Lucy said she'd come not just from future but from the OTHER future, the other world. SO?! How can you trust her words in this case?! O_o

That unity of ALL the mages looks impressive!

They were warned, noo, they let her near that gate without any supervision (-‸ლ) Trust, but verify.
all those pretty shots (。♥‿♥。) What a perfect combination of film-making enthusiasts & their love relationship.
Luckily, not that shallow as I expected it to be :)
Welp, looks like some other couple is going to appear in the frame :) Riveting! <3
That part about what it means to be a director gave me chills! Awesome! Passionate not only in love but in their hobbies! <3
I'm crying again T_T so touching, so powerful! But for a second they made me believe they're gonna lose :) Amazing! <3
So happy for that cat :)
For god's sake (`□′)╯┴┴ it's taking them so much time to evaluate his work ⋋_⋌ that tension is killing me :) I hope the next episode will be it, finally :) I've been worrying about a poor old man who's been teased by his 'friends', I want to finally see him relieved that he had guts to have trusted him :)
aww I kept giggling and beaming all the episode long :D
That's a huge responsibility, indeed, lol :)
I feel euphoric watching it ♥
I need smth similar every season as a shot :)
aww they're too sweet (。♥‿♥。) So passionate!

mmm while I was gazing at their 'director' lasciviously thinking how hot and expressive he is, they actually hinted about him being involved in some romantic shenanigans (♥ω♥ ) fingers crossed :)
I wish all that swearing wasn't censored :( Instead of his emotions I had to hear annoying buzzing and instead of his intense words all I saw was xxx thank you very much ⋋_⋌