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oh my O_O it was so epic, I had to fight back my tears :) Impressive!!! <3
too much talking about underwear (-‸ლ)
wtf (-‸ლ) had the urge to drop but decided to finish this episode at least. I knew it was going that way but I still hoped & the boy seems to be talking sense, sigh, perhaps I should give it a try till he keeps insisting they should work on their relationship as 'brother and sister'.
ahaha I was kinda expecting Erza to say that but I still have goosebumps :) llove them! <3
oh my, she's so on point about woman's position in modern society :( not that it's been better before buut it's still such a long way to equal, non-judgmental world T_T

to give more in return than we take sounds like a perfect policy :)

I didn't get it btw, so it was a stupid misunderstanding about her selling her body (as if it wasn't obvious, lol) but what was the root of those rumors she actually supported herself? what was she going to continue? did I miss it or was it just abandoned abruptly? lazy to replay and check :(

yeah, such conversations would be unbelievable for typical teenagers but when you have a harsh life (like single parent, constantly working that they can't even provide you with a normal food, lack of real friends, inhospitable surroundings in general, you're kinda forced to start thinking that way, I don't see anything illogical or unnatural here.
aww Natsu ⊂(♡⌂♡)⊃ and I thought I'm already all head over heels but now I fell in love with you again! For god's sake that's smth too overwhelming! So noble! A real man! :)) I'm all fired up myself!╭( ・ㅂ・)و̑

I do remember how obnoxious that girl seemed during that fight but no one deserves that kind of treatment, esp not from someone you believed was close to you, that made my blood boil!

aww that fight for justice! Natsu is perfect♥ I'm starving, was going to cook after this episode but I can't wait to see what's gonna be next.

I was a little bit afraid if my 10/10 rating will remain till the end of the season but!!! YES! Definitely!
wow 👻I hope there's actually a 'happy' end here 😈 they'll just kill each other making the world a better place and putting those victim spirits to rest 🙏
That's an interesting emotion wishing for their double demise 😑
started watching rather prejudiced... the theme seems quite popular for Japanese culture buut, though I don't want to be kink-shaming, it's very disturbing. and that weird explanation they gave twice at the beginning that being stepsiblings you don't share the similar experience of living together, lol, seriously, is that the most important thing about blood connection?!

"Act naturally" sounds like solid advice for all situations :)

why am I having déjà vu as if I've already heard this whole conversation about acting at school? O_o

welp, dunno even what to think, so slow-paced (bordering on boring), once looking for a long time at the same pic, I started doubting if it's still going on or maybe is lagging again.

I think I'd like it if the whole title were the same way just about living together with some stranger, no explicit romance.
that snot is disgusting wtf
these both girls are kinda meh... one blackmailing, the other... why is she so afraid to reveal her delinquent past, wouldn't it be more appealing for her image how much she's improved!
yeah, sure the only way to enter.(-‸ლ)
ok, that blood after flying stones is the last straw.
I knew it's not gonna be up my alley but i gave it a try... now with a clear conscience I quit :)
Gosh, I still can't calm down and focus on the novel I'm trying to read rn (-‸ლ) It was literally painful to watch this episode. Why was that bitch even so happy knowing she couldn't win fairly?! She IS a loser in that fight! what a vile cunt ⋋_⋌
(`□′)╯┴┴ Why even participate in such 'competitions' if they can't guarantee elementary fair conditions, if it's 1vs1 fight, is it really ok to let others interfere?! Are all the others really so weak that absolutely no one noticed that? I'm fuming!
〴⋋_⋌〵Poor Lucy didn't deserve all that humiliation! I hate foul play (`□′)╯┴┴ And those blind parents (-‸ლ) with such a small kid, you must be watchful all the time but they totally ignored their child (`□′)╯┴┴
I can't wait to see them get their just deserts ⋋_⋌
yeah, being idle is not about them :)
drunk girls are hilarious :D
aww it was so sweet how she cleaned their house, I wanted to do the same the second she opened the door :) Awesome, we are on the same wavelength :) And then Natsu waiting for her at her place was so cuute. (。♥‿♥。)
ahaha Erza willing to invite them :)) I wonder if there's some FT hentai 눈_눈
Poor Wendy, of course, didn't deserve all that but her words that she had been training so much in vain sounded kinda meh, come on, what about looots of other ppl who were practicing for years also willing to participate. It was inconsiderate and selfish! I'm glad all those 'man' muscles are gonna be used in the competition :) His progress is the most visible, lol :)

Two teams, lol. they don't cease to pleasantly surprise me :)
What is he saying at ~14:30? Why is it not translated? :(

mmm handsome, interesting new guy! (^^)b

I hope that kiss in the ending will really happen and not somewhere in the last episode :)
mmm all those participants (^^)b It's gonna be epic!

Also, despite my unacceptance of violence, surprisingly I was laughing at Erza's punches and those guys flying to the horizon, lol :)

I'm really looking forward to watching those games, burning with excitement :)
Those chars from the other anime look interesting, I need to watch it later. Though visually that ava is not very appealing T_T

haha that misunderstanding with naked Gray... :) (♥ω♥ )
lol, time is a very flexible concept in this title :)

sigh, they were moving to that kiss so sloooowly that it was obvious it was gonna be disrupted :( but I totally didn't expect that O_O I wonder who he's engaged to...
Really?! A liar :(
or actually :))
I'm curious if Erza was as gullible as me :) or she actually saw through that...
ahaha good girl :)
Por thing T_T That's what true despair must feel like :(
wow, what a plot twist! O_O
So heartwarming! (。♥‿♥。)
In one episode they managed to include fun beach training, cute star spirits celebrations, Lucy's reminiscence...(^^)b
ahaha poor guys)) what a wicked setup:) if this tendency remains they're gonna stay muuuuch younger than everyone else:))
ahaha aaahhhhh It's been a while it made me laugh out loud uncontrollably :D Nice row of guild masters! :)))

mmm those magic games sound fascinating!
wtf that ginger girl wasn't invited! how dare she?! What for was even that selection of the most prominent students if any insolent brat could join?! (`□′)╯┴┴ So annoying!
I'm grateful for a detailed doll's bg explanation but still it was a bit weird to watch their reaction before when they didn't know themselves all the truth.

Natsu is good! Being kinda on a silly side he was totally on point about 'sick world perception" and that idea that power is a not money, not truth, not friendship, but actually feelings! I llove it, maybe that's the reason this anime feels so close :)

hmm Natsu's reaction... :) as if Lucy's more than a mere friend, I wonder if in future they'll become closer. Though there's no romance tag here but the way he was rushing to save her, mmm :)
I can't (-‸ლ) that's ridiculous. What about her real cousin, I wonder?! (-‸ლ) Was she going to have both of them in case she'd be actually saved?! She even told them her real name, NO everyone kept her calling that fake one, wtf?!

Erza also(-‸ლ) That was a mean move to strike while he was distracted realizing his friend was actually there. What for?! He was just going to her anyway. She fought like a coward, I was of better opinion of her...
mmm he was so hot in that steamy fantasy (ノ∀`♥)
I hope no one will get in their way on Christmas night (-人-)

In this episode I finally realized how this anime surpassed all my expectations, lol. Take just any character: MC, a cute magic girl, usually all that shy and meek, but here she is the one constantly telling the man how she missed him, makes future plans together. That swearing girl is still annoying af but when she actually speaks she tells the right things. A cute cat, my fav animal ever, who's supposed to take care of her turned out a huge jerk. From time to time it's a nice feeling when every expectation is deceived.
wtf O_o why does she keep calling her 'cousin' (-‸ლ) and now the other one joined that madness as well (-‸ლ) That's annoying... She's just an enemy, wouldn't it be logical to feel betrayed or smth similar? WHY?! (-‸ლ)
He WAS right from the very beginning: HE was the one who had to go there. His caring brother meant well, I get it buut... btw his sulking figure made me smile :) it was sweet :))
That monkey-girl crying was surprisingly heartbreaking, I guess every living creature is a part of nature and wants to exist, sigh.
For someone loving everything cute, that girl is too rude and violent (-‸ლ) and I don't care how pure she's inwardly. For such a short episode the number of F words is disgusting. I'm disappointed, minus 1 point.