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all those pretty shots (。♥‿♥。) What a perfect combination of film-making enthusiasts & their love relationship.
Luckily, not that shallow as I expected it to be :)
Welp, looks like some other couple is going to appear in the frame :) Riveting! <3
That part about what it means to be a director gave me chills! Awesome! Passionate not only in love but in their hobbies! <3
I'm crying again T_T so touching, so powerful! But for a second they made me believe they're gonna lose :) Amazing! <3
So happy for that cat :)
For god's sake (`□′)╯┴┴ it's taking them so much time to evaluate his work ⋋_⋌ that tension is killing me :) I hope the next episode will be it, finally :) I've been worrying about a poor old man who's been teased by his 'friends', I want to finally see him relieved that he had guts to have trusted him :)
aww I kept giggling and beaming all the episode long :D
That's a huge responsibility, indeed, lol :)
I feel euphoric watching it ♥
I need smth similar every season as a shot :)
aww they're too sweet (。♥‿♥。) So passionate!

mmm while I was gazing at their 'director' lasciviously thinking how hot and expressive he is, they actually hinted about him being involved in some romantic shenanigans (♥ω♥ ) fingers crossed :)
I wish all that swearing wasn't censored :( Instead of his emotions I had to hear annoying buzzing and instead of his intense words all I saw was xxx thank you very much ⋋_⋌
It's a pity they weren't shown together this episode T_T but that 'family' dwelling with a familiar was also cute :) nnice to see he's not always in his cat form with her too.
Oh yeah! ღවꇳවღ There's no way in hell I wouldn't like it (^v^)

sigh, and I was naive enough to believe only in my homophobic country ppl could spout such nonsense as "I'm scared he'd pounce on me!'(-‸ლ) Do they really say it even abroad?! O_O So ridiculous! nnice how they compared it with zombies, lol. Seriously, the only thing you should be scared of is that you'll like it ahaha Though, I'm kidding, of course, it doesn't work like this, all the laws about propaganda are absurd (-‸ლ)
welp, we were shown potential partners for them both who look just perfect for them :) I think they should continue playing family--fake it till you make it!
I llike it that she realizes she does have a 'difficult personality' (-‸ლ) watching her pov I'm thawing a little bit :) even a tad ashamed of being so harsh on a teenager :( It's good to be reminded that no matter how unappealing sb may seem, they just might be struggling inwardly and be a good person. Don't judge is truly a perfect attitude.

Ohhh noooo T_T thought about dropping again but I guess as long as he acknowledges his feeling but doesn't act on it I'm still here.

despite all my fear that everything will just slide into romance, I genuinely feel sorry for them :( suppressing your feelings is not very healthy, perhaps if they were more touchy-feely they'd let off steam, I still refuse to believe it works so conveniently: out of billions of ppl you seriously fall in love with the first one who is kind to you. (-‸ლ) At least she realizes they'd spoil their parents' relations and they have suffered enough, they deserve simple family happiness.
nnice joke from mother about a date O_O (-‸ლ) repulsive(-_-; ) but now I see who that girl takes after (-‸ლ)

what does she mean "I'll try" contacting her O_o don't try just do it, why is it even an issue (-‸ლ) I've never been as close of dropping this title...

But sigh, I'm still curious about such a drastic change in her personality :( Is it father's betrayal? Her mother's heartbreaking experience? It's so sweet of the boy to try and help her, she really needs it buut dunno even why it's so annoying for me hmm. ah, an idea just occurred, I guess I know :) why do ppl always have to confuse everything with LOVE? urgh (-‸ლ) you have a nice, caring, considerate 'brother' now why think you have romantic feelings, jealousy etc. Love can be different! I think I just don't want it to turn into a primitive, disgusting 'love' story between siblings, why it can't be smth deeper, smth more complicated?!

that crispy toast looks so yummy, now I'm hungry :)

the moment I think she's actually good (accepting she was moody & it's necessary to open up) she starts harping on about that poor girl again (`□′)╯┴┴ I envy that boy's patience!
took her long enough to figure it out, lol :) her pov was surprisingly not bad, atmospheric!
Yeah, true👍, totally new and unexpected, at least for me 😁
hmm, thanks, I didn't think about that possibility that she was just astonished :) and hadn't registered all that yet... (∵) That's kinda funny in this case :)) to date someone but then in the process to be flabbergasted by such an ordinary thing as confession to YOU :D
I was watching genuinely concerned about their safety, holding my breath... llove it when a story is so gripping!
always loved elves (。♥‿♥。) 75 but actually 15 aww how awesome! :)
ahh, I didn't even notice how it ended :( too fast T_T
dunno I didn't find it weird that the red-haired girl was helping in the kitchen, actually it was kinda considerate of her to notice he was struggling and volunteer to cook with him, plus she asked the permission. She wasn't annoying per se but she definitely seemed out of synch/place there, spoiled some special mood, she's too energetic in contrast to them. Usually I prefer her type but I'm watching this anime for this calming atmosphere and she disturbed it, though I guess that's how it always happens in real life as well :)
oh and the most important thing I forgot to mention, lol :) The whole season finished and only now I got the explanation while despite all that worry and love to their 'parents', they are called dragon slayers. Finally! I kept asking myself this question. The history was captivating! aww what a great plot, indeed! <3
Максим O_O I started watching immediately and see zero inconsistencies, I wonder what 'many' O_o things he meant...

And I llove this season visually more, though the absence of nipples is distracting and disturbing T_T

Fascinating start! The very first episode made me so emotional--happy, sad, angry and excited for more, I even thought about binge watching this season without getting distracted by other ongoings but nah, I'll savor this pleasure :)

I hope he killed that senile master, I'm bloodthirsty ⋋_⋌ after he dared to kill that cat (`□′)╯┴┴
My boy! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
I have waves of goosebumps!
Real masterpiece <3
wow what a cliffhanger, or even cliffhangers, lol :) luckily I can continue at once but...
That rare case when I don't want to whine that a fight takes more than one episode :)) What a feast for my eyes, Natsu :))
just one episode left, that was too fast T_T faster than some ordinary 12ep titles, lol :))
no one should ever choose between family and country T_T
interesting really how it's not just black-&-white in the world, not everything is simple like in childish fairy-tales, one could really be a good father but a terrible person :(
Awesome! ╭( ・ㅂ・)و̑
Gosh, can't imagine watching this as an ongoing O_o & having to wait for the whole week when episodes end in such an exciting way! (♡⌂♡)
aww three final episodes are def gonna be exciting, but I'm so sleepy T_T Such a contradictory feeling I rarely experience: I don't want this amazing adventure to end but I'm so eager to see that final fight. gosh, what an enjoyable title! <3
time flew by :) that was kinda soothing to watch two avid readers interact. mc's senpai was more in the focus, so I enjoyed this episode a lot, sigh, I get it it was like an exception. alas :(
poor girl T_T Lucy is the only one being constantly tortured during those games :(
Though it looked so pathetic for that other guild (-‸ლ) was she really going to show off harassing the weakest person after having stolen her keys?! Isn't it on the contrary a stain on their reputation? who would cheer them on after this despicable act?!
maybe I was watching inattentively the previous episodes with tech parts explained but I don't get it why they keep saying it's gonna be the end of HUMANITY?! O_o Tokyo, ok, understandable but...

nice idea about no important ppl, everyone is just normal with some arrogant bustards, lol, kudos to the man trying to do the right thing at least at the very end.
Wow 😯actually a cute, heartwarming episode😍perhaps for a wedding that film would be really inappropriate but I hope they'll show it to her after🙏, she deserves to know her mum was always at her side 💖
while watching I was contemplating about literature... I'm really curious what kind of stories kids learn in different countries. I recollected how I was crying a lot reading 'Mumu' (the teacher was cruel to make us read the saddest parts aloud, I still remember how I struggled trying to swallow my tears), or Dostoevsky's 'heavy' books, all our tragic literature has influenced me greatly, my worldview, moral principals are partially the way they are thanks to that groundbreaking experience. ppl talk about specific national character, & literature is essential part of culture, so all that info absorbed my kids in dif places must matter a lot.

btw I haven't been a huge fan of the girl before but now... (-‸ლ) here she's shown in a kinda stupid way. Is it really the only way to understand the char--to relate to them from your real-life experience? That's downright ridiculous! Isn't it presented vividly in the story what the chars feel? aren't they taught at school well to see those means? how is it possible to succeed all the other subjects but fail lit?! (-‸ლ)

dunno even why I keep watching it, the mood is weird, but for now the boy is my only reason to go on.
recollected my PE teacher who'd never allow us to run in such boots, safety comes first. Wearing costumes but still trainers would look fine too
that love confession to just one girl looked cute but she was overreacting, lol, shouldn't she appreciate his change? O_o