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Exciting fights!

Also, the dubber's speed was unnaturally fast, kinda finny :) And still in comparison, the original Chinese sounded more relaxed, perhaps the problem is that we have much longer words...
What a massacre T_T so many heart-wrenching moments :(

lol, I found it kinda funny so many ppl complaining & sb even dropped the title 'cause of inconvenient subs taking half the screen with lots of lines as so many ppl talking & phone messages & TV, lol yeah, I had to be alert not to miss anything :) I liked it though, was so focused, but I guess that's the reason it hurt more T_T
yup, perfect! Both so expressive, I llove it! Every episode I just keep grinning gleefully :)
hmm that's kinda funny :) MC is narrow-minded, not very eloquent, able to perceive just a simple notion of friendship :) That even borders somewhere on stupidity...Truly astonishing he's so appealing anyway)) And then in comparison just a cat :) talking right things about justice. What a contrast! lol, I guess it's no wonder they ARE teammates, together they are just perfect <3
why is she calling herself a 'king' too? O_o why not 'Queen'?
so much blue (♡∀♡) so pretty!♡
The farting gang is kinda too much O_o I didn't expect to meet them ever again :( I hope their promise to be back will never be fulfilled. For now it's my first serious complaint.
Gosh, it should be illegal to finish seasons with a cliffhanger (-‸ლ) At least, I hope it's a sign the next season is just around the corner.
From now on I don't care how naughty and arrogant the girl looks and behaves (-‸ლ) I can forgive her anything for saving that gorgeous lion ✿♥‿♥✿ wings & a horn looked great! As a cub it's also adorable!♥ Seriously, that was gross how everyone was determined just to kill it without a second thought :(
As usual, creepy in a good way👍Though the girl got what she wanted😵‍💫 it makes it all even creepier with her unhealthy, inhuman obsession 😦
For now the only evil creature there is a cat :( I wish it were some other critter, sigh :( My brain refuses to accept cats be so menacing T_T
oh my, why is it half short? O_o
I llove these gentle colors (。♥‿♥。)
'Too stinking cute' indeed :) I llove the girl's voice, so adorable!♥
I think he should buy her smth savory, not only sweets.
Why exactly do you find it weird? It's the site where all kinds of subs are available, if I can watch with eng subs, why can't I comment in this language? Shortly, if it doesn't break any rules, it's more than ok. But elaborating the issue:
1. I feel more comfortable commenting in eng. My main passion is reading and reviewing visual novels, and I do it in English. Anime comes second in my hobby list, so why can't I do it in my preferable lan, too?
2. It was an idea expressed in telegram chat, as I actually detest when ppl comment not the title but ppl who had commented. One thing is to offer some counterarguments but it's always mainly offensive personal stuff.
3. I'm on this site to express my emotions, I'm not willing to argue (welp, I'm always eager to participate in a clever discussion but ppl fail to do it), so as I've mentioned above, it was a great idea to at least partially isolate myself from the comments towards me directly. I'm pleasantly surprised though to see sb willing to communicate in eng, too but I doubt it'd be a common occasion.

Welp, they are the reasonable points for me. People are different and may seem weird but I think it's nice to be able to express oneself in different ways.
When I'm weirded by sb, I just politely retreat, buut I guess we all have a different upbringing.
Gosh, I was worried sick about those prominent scientists, poor ppl :( esp after that promise that he'd live to that D-Day.
That man is too cruel.
I really like all that text info in the middle of the episodes, it's rare for me to pause and read everything attentively but every time what I've learnt shifts slightly my perception. Like here, for example, that ice mage actually felt more like a cute teenager, so real, valid... That his unrequited infatuation was really sweet, and totally unexpected for his profile :)

mmm just perfect! <3 MC won the battle BUT as he didn't deserve the first prize (come on, that was all about magic, not swordplay), the actual winner is a more worthy party. Awesome!

pugbow, (^^)b
How dares he call a gorgeous dragon just a 'lizard' O_o If he doesn't help him next episode, I'll just drop this title 〴⋋_⋌〵
That was kinda disgusting O_o

Sigh, poor Natsu T_T I am seasick myself, welp, I was once, I would never dare step a boat anymore :( But every time I see him suffering I can't help recollecting my own similar experience :( And now even magic is useless, that's actually a way too serious weakness for a hero.
that dancing practice is hilarious :DD

lol, with such appearance the proposal felt out in left field. But I'm sincerely happy for the man :)
I don't believe the notion of 'justice' per se is at blame, ppl just tend to extreme, fanatical realizations.

hmm, funny, at first we're shown how abnormal it is to stick to justice and then, in contrast, I'm forced to accept that sacrificing the whole humanity and aliens for an attempt to save one criminal who willingly has ended their own life is fiiine. I can easily understand why that scout didn't care about ppl but what about his own kin? Isn't it a betrayal as a result? I llike it though how intricate the plot is!

Actually, how ethical is it to show someone else what was going on with her, esp when time is a pressing issue--they were chasing after her, so O_o.

sigh, despite all my nagging above, it IS touching and heartwarming to see them together <3

aww, hot :)
So formidable! :D

That's smth... One second I'm all despondent recollecting my own dad's death T_T Then I'm laughing a lot at the landlady's outfit :D and...again on the verge of tears 'cause of all those presents. What a roller-coaster of emotions this title always is!

Yeah, she's right! No matter what, move on!
What a pleasant surprise to see two episodes at once!

I didn't expect that his 'sis' is THAT cool! In contrast I can't even imagine his level :) And he's so nonchalant about that, just stating the obvious about a hundred times :D
It's not that crazy and vibrant anymore but it's still impressive, I agree it IS one of the best this season.
llove the chemistry between two brothers! They are both so handsome, but when they are together (。♥‿♥。) And that determination not to let him go! Awesome way to show he cares!
Как же я кайфую! Не хватало мне видно в жизни чего-то такого сказочного, где добро всегда побеждает в финале)

Славно, что не тянули! Прям идеальный темп. Я вроде и потосковать успела вместе с оставшимися, и возрадоваться их возвращению! Всё в одной серии)
О, дождалась дракона О_О Нда, мощно((((

Какие 7 лет, как?! Что, взяться за руки и всё преодолеть силой дружбы не сработало?)) Так наивно и по-детски это выглядело) Но всё равно проняло!))
Ну наконец-то они воссоединились) И смешно, и трогательно, всё в лучших традициях тайтла))
Задумалась о власти. Ну раз ты такой самый могущественный, непревзойдённый, нуу и?! Это не приводит к самодостаточности? Тебе самого себя уже мало? Сконцентрироваться на дальнейшем развитии или полезном применении своих талантов? Тебе действительно свою мощь нужно определять через других людей? Ты настолько зависим от их мнения? Так важно, чтобы тебе приклонялись? Сверхсила и власть так отупляют в итоге? Стоит работать усиленно, чтобы результатом были подобные примитивные стремления? Жалок дедок...
"Не разучиться дурачиться даже взрослым" это достойная цель, я считаю))