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I llove this title! <3 One second I wipe away my tears and snot feeling too emotional & heart-breaking, the next one I'm grinning all excited, relieved & happy :)
gosh, I'm crying again this time for a more positive reason :) Happy is right that's how some extra joy breaks through, I wouldn't be able to contain so many dif emotions :))
sigh, and I hoped for the last 4 episodes of peace and quiet :( but it looks like it's not the end yet :(
The next episode 'Compassion' is translated like 'love', lol. totally different O_o
Shouting extreme words about friendship is fine but telling her own dad she loves him is suddenly impossible to do (-‸ლ)
That's some twisted way to understand parental love--to ask about death O_o No wonder he still fails to get it right, lol :)
Anyway, so powerful! llove it!<3
read the comments and found it funny and ridiculous that for a powerful, epic confrontation deaths become a must O_o wtf?! To feel strong emotions is it really so necessary to go that far?! We've become too overstimulated, jaded, thick-skinned(
aaaawwwww I'm so relieved, I'm crying :))))) Gosh, how many times they've done that to me :D I feel like a gullible, naive masochist that I keep believing & watching it :) That constant emotional rollercoaster :)
Finally he knows! I'm humming with anticipation! :)
Though after all that fun & jokes it was esp sad to hear she figured out how to kill him, sigh T_T
I feel quite contradictory emotions :( I get it, it's what he's been longing for all these years, but I don't want him to die T_T
them kissing together, being in love was a real astonishment for me O_O Poor guy deserved that simple happiness, sb's warmth :( sigh, it was too flitting :( now I can't even condemn him for everything he's done before :((
Awesome story! Solid through years on!!!
mmm that's always impressive when a leader can apologize like that (^^)b
I'm intrigued about her sin. More about their past \o/
wow O_O so that's how it is about End.
Heartfelt reunion♥ :)
mmm next episode. more friends together :) oh they look awesome fighting again :)
(-‸ლ), ungrateful brat ⋋_⋌
aww next episode is gonna be about Gray, nnnice!!!
(`□′)╯┴┴ (`□′)╯┴┴ (`□′)╯┴┴ How dare she kick Natsu in the face stealing Happy. What a bitch 〴⋋_⋌〵
oh and it looks like the next episode is little girls fighting together(´*`) Gross! I need a break before watching next to calm down...